Weather or Not
Weather - state of the atmosphere in a region over a short period of time. The result of interaction between the Earth, the atmosphere, water, and the sun.Meteorologists look at all things like cloud cover, winds, temperature, air pressure, precipitation and the patterns and connections between them to predict the weather.
Jet stream - high level winds in the upper atmosphere
Fronts - warm: warm air moving in
cold: cold air moving in
- Precipitation correlates with low air pressure and all kinds of fronts
- Jet stream currents follow the curves and paths of temperature
- Low air pressure around warm and cold fronts
- Jet stream moves from west to east (in the US)
- Rain where there are clouds but clouds don't mean rain
1. A planet needs an atmosphere, water and the sun to have weather.
3. A physical change is an alteration in the form of a substance like volume, temperature, shape, size, and pressure.
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