Salty Eights
Formulas for ionic compounds
All metals and nonmetals want to combine their valence electrons to have full valence shells. This means they want to be like noble gases which have eight valence electrons.Metals on group 1 on the periodic table want to combine with nonmetals in group 7 to equal 8 and group 2 combines with group 6 and so on. ex: lithium and fluorine combine to form LiF or lithuim floride with a total of eight valence electrons.
3) a. Yes because Lithium has 1 electron and Chlorine has 7 b. No too may electrons c. No too many electrons d. Yes because both Chlorine atom gets one electron e. yes because all Chlorine atoms get one electron
7) a. Al and Br - AlBr3, aluminum bromide b. Al and S - Al2S3, aluminum sulfur c. Al and As - AlAs, aluminum arsenide d. Na and S - Na2S, sodium sulfide e. Ca and S - CaS, calcium sulfide f. Ga and S - Ga2S3, gallium sulfide
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