Friday, November 2, 2012

Unit 4 Lesson 12

Comparing Amounts

Using moles to compare toxic substances is preferred to using the masses because moles allow you to compare how many molecules of one toxic substance are equal to the mass of the number of molecules in a different toxic substance.

2 substances with = mass and = # of molecules and = toxicity can still differ in how much of which will effect you the most because the substance with the larger molar mass needs less of it to make up the same amount as the substance with a lower molar mass. This means the larger the molar mass the better.

Healthy effects due to toxic exposure depend on both LD50 and the amount of the substance.

Smaller lethal doses (LD50) means the more toxic the substance, but even if you don't consume the lethal dose, it doesn't mean there won't be any long term effects.

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